Or do I maybe, secretly hate this outfit…
Sweater: Nordstrom {similar} | Fur snood: Nordstrom {no longer available} | Maternity tank: H&M {similar} | Maternity leggings: Destination Maternity {similar} | Riding Boots: Enzo Angiolini {similar} | Belt: H&M | Aviators: RayBans via Sunglasses Shop, c/o {buy here} | Bracelets: BaubleBar {loving this}, Stella & Dot c/o {buy here}, Rings: BaubleBar, Forever21
Happy Friday amigos! Hope you had a wonderful week. Mine ended up being weirdly dichotomous – maternity leave bliss interlaced with a 24-hour flu bug on Wednesday that knocked me completely me off my feet and found me vomiting more than I think I ever have in my entire life. It. Was. Awful. I honestly wondered at the beginning if I was going into labor and this was my body’s reaction. So much so that yesterday, I spent most of the day gathering everything I needed for our hospital bags so that we’ll be ready when the time comes. The truth is that I am praying, praying that labor doesn’t involve nausea or vomiting. I hear that’s little more than wishful thinking, but wish I shall, since I honestly hate the feeling of nausea more than pretty much any other in the world. Anywho, praise the Lord that yesterday I felt a million times better and was able to get a bunch of junk done. Nothing spawns productivity quite like the knowledge that life as you know it will be gone forever in a matter of weeks. Yikes – and hooray! We’re a good solid mix of peeing-our-pants excited and scared to death over here.
Guys, I kind of hate this outfit. Do you ever feel like you’re just in a fashion funk? Like no matter what you do, you can’t pull together a half-way decent outfit if your life depended on it? OR, you put together an ensemble that seems like a good idea at the time, only to look back on it later with ‘what the H was I thinking?’ disgust? Welcome to my life as of late. Welcome to being 36 1/2 weeks pregnant. Welcome to a confession that at this point, all I really want to wear is sweats and a giant t-shirt and my Hawaiian sandals all day urrrrrryday. And welcome to a confession that on most days, that’s exactly what’s on my body. Yep. Anywho, forgive me for the epic failure ensembles lately. Don’t give up on me, k? I promise I hope that one day, pregnancy brain and pregnancy body will fade away and something good will emerge from the pages of GBO once more… assuming it ever had of course. Fingers triple-quadruple crossed. Thanks for hanging in with me.
Have a Friggin Awesome Friday!
Thanks sooooooo much for reading!
I LOVE that sweater!! I wish I had one myself.
I had the very same fear and just gave birth 2 weeks ago! I can tell you that the labor did make me nauseous but the pushing part is when it became very bad. I did not want to ruin my birth experience by getting sick, so they gave me a little bit of Zofran and it made such a difference!
That sweater is so cute
Yep, Love the sweater!!
Love the sweater. LOVE the scarf! Love the bracelet. Just needs some color but other than that I don’t even hate this outfit. You’re doin real good babe!
I think every outfit you’ve posted during your pregnancy is way cuter and better looking than anything I ever wore the last time I was pregnant!
You’re seriously the cutest pregnant person ever. Don’t worry about the nausea during labour, you shouldn’t have any! Can you do a “What’s In My Bag” for your hospital trip? I need to get my bags ready and would love to know what you’re bringing.
Getting closer!
I’m so sorry that the flu and pregnancy woes have you down. Don’t be discouraged…growing a child is hard work! You are almost there and then you’ll have that beautiful babe in your arms and your body will be your own again.
looking lovely in the aztec print cardigan, and nice knee high boots there! <3
Check out my outfit post featuring BOND Hardware and share your thoughts! 🙂
AL xx
RASSP blog
I think the outfit is great! Looks cute and comfy and you look very pretty. Don’t be hard on yourself.
Love the nail colour! All the best for the last few weeks.
Yuck, that sounds miserable. I’m so glad you’re feeling better now! This sweater looks so snuggly, it’s exactly what I would want to wear if I was recovering from a monster bug.
— Alex at Shannon Cashmere Kangaroo
Sorry to hear about what happened to you. Hugs!
and i LOVE this outfit. you look gorgeous and this jacket is amazing
ladies in navy
Cute outfit. Love the baby bump!!! Great look. The sweater looks so comfy.
oh my goodness, this is fantastic. You look fabulous, love. If you get a sec, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my latest. 🙂
I love this outfit! But yes, I do sometimes feel like I’m in a fashion funk (right about now, actually, because nothing fits me anymore and I’m NOT pregnant – awesome). I’m glad you’re feeling better!