It’s the final count-dowwwwwwwwn! Don’t worry that I may or may not be singing those lyrics as I write them right now. We’re there peeps! Final countdown time…
Jean Jacket: Old Navy, c/o {similar} | Maxi Skirt: Flea Market {similar} | Tank: H&M {similar} | Sandals: Old Navy, c/o | Hat: Zara | ‘Caroline’ Diaper Bag: Lily Jade, c/o {buy here} | Bracelets: Stella & Dot, c/o {buy here}, Old Navy, c/o, Bauble Bar | Necklaces: H&M | Belt: Target
Everyone keeps saying things to me like, ‘Oh I bet you’re SO ready to have that baby out’ and ‘Any day now!’. I feel like I might be the one pregnant lady in the world who would say what I’m about to say, but the truth is that I’m secretly hoping this little nugget of mine keeps cooking until his actual due date. Is that weird? Mostly I just feel like I haven’t even put a dent in the laundry list of things I am desperately wanting to accomplish before his arrival, so the longer he gives me to bust those out, the better. Or am I also just a wee bit freaked out about labor? Mmmmmyeah. Anywho, he’ll come when he’s ready and that will be fine by me, regardless of when it is. We put together his nursery last night and assembled all his little things – the bassinet, the MamaRoo (um, that thing is legit. So excited we got it (thank you inlaws!) and so excited to use it! He better love it, so help me.), the car seat – all that jazz. Hospital bag has been packed since last week, so I guess the main things are pretty much taken care of. I’m the queen of NOT being on top of anything, so it feels good, I gotta admit.
Can we talk about something though? Diaper bags. It’s been such a challenge to find something that has the functionality of a legit diaper bag but that doesn’t look like a diaper bag. Enter: Lily Jade Co. I stumbled upon their designer diaper bags earlier on in my pregnancy and then miraculously had the opportunity to work with them and try out their ‘Caroline Bag‘. Talk about gorge – the inside is full of every useful compartment you can think of, but the outside is genuine leather and just looks like an adorable handbag that I can keep using long after baby. Also, the inner bag is intended to fit nicely into other large totes bags and is self supporting when stuffed with baby gear. So basically it allows you to instantly turn your other handbags into diaper bags as well. WINNING. Check them out if you’re in the market for a killer diaper bag – or a just a killer purse for that matter.
Oh, and be sure to check back tomorrow for a fun collab with one of my fave bloggers. Woot!
Have a Tangy Tuesday!
Thanks for reading. xoxo
p.s. How bout’ The Bachelor last night eh? Wow. Just wow. That’s all I can say. And ‘ees ok’ that I got nothing more than that.
That diaper bag looks perfect. So jealous!
I’m amazed that you still want a few more weeks of pregnancy – but more power to you! Still the cutest pregnant lady out there!
gorgeous bag! love the dress too!
ladies in navy
Super cute bag. I’ll have to check that out! You’re almost there and you look wonderful!
You are the most stylish pregnant woman, ever. Seriously! And what mascara do you use? Your lashes look particularly amazing in that last shot!!
I now have that song stuck in my head…thanks… 🙂
I completely understand wanting him to stay in there until his due date, hopefully he hears your wish! And hope you’re having fun setting up your new place!
you’re looking amazing! Love your bracelets <3
XO Sahra
Que Sera Sahra
This post read my mind! I’m totally over diaper bags that look like diaper bags! I’m definitely going to have to get one of these because it’s literally what I’ve been looking for/dreaming of!
That’s a great bag!! And I’m sure everything will go smoothly once it’s time!
You look amazing!! I can’t believe how great you look, considering how close you are to baby time 😀
xo Jackie
Something About That
Very nice outfit 🙂
Cool pics
That bag is so cool
You are absolutely glowing and I love that hat!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
You look like a little bohemian Barbie!
XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass
So adorable. It’s nice to see stylish pregnant woman. 🙂
Following you now via Bloglovin’. 🙂
Ooooh, cute diaper bag! I might have to look into that, because I’m getting kind of sick of mine. And there’s nothing weird about wanting your little guy to stay put until his due date. My baby came at 31 weeks (she’s fine) and I’d have given anything to make it to 40! I love hearing someone actually say they DON’T want to go early. Hoping for a happy, healthy last few weeks of pregnancy for you. Love your blog!
Can’t wait for the baby, you are a fabulous mommy! xoxo
I’m right there with you about wanting the baby to stay in my belly until the due date. My doctor told me I was dilated and that he was ready to go so to be prepared. I immediately freaked out because it hit me how much I still had to do. Queen of procrastination here. Thankfully, I haven’t dilated anymore and it looks like he’s still gonna be in there a while longer.
Truthfully, I’m enjoying having him in my belly. I get to have him with me at all times, without having to feed or change him!
And amen to having a non diaper bag looking diaper bag! Thanks for the recommendation.
Oh so cute!! I have a question about your lily jade. I just got mine & it’s not floppy or smooth adorable looking like yours. Very sad about it. Did you treat it?? Any help would be great ♡
Hey Abby! Sad! This surprises me for sure – I didn’t have to treat my Lily Jade. Although now that I think about it, I guess it took some ‘breaking in’ before it was floppy maybe? But it was smooth right off the bat. I’d reach out to Lily Jade and let them know what’s going on. They’re super wonderful over there and I’d think they’d work with you for sure. Good luck lady! xoxo