Trying on clothes which I then proceed to lust over, & getting a pedicure.
Big Wootie-Woot-Woots in my book.
These girls: HUUUUUGE Woot.
Her pretty face and delish fro yo (a.k.a. frozen yogurt, for the ill-informed)
Oh don’t worry – more fro yo. And who would I be if I didn’t eat Cafe Rio while waiting to catch my plane when it was available to me? Good thing I’m smart and knew what to do.
Favorite father-in-law’s birthday, and my fave flave of Vitamin water went on sale!
Woot Woot!
Husbands and Mommas: the biggest WOOTS of all.
-Not getting to see even a fraction of the peeps we WISH we could have whilst visiting the UT last week.
-one of my nostrils is dripping and the other one is as stuffed as a 12-year-old prepubescent girl’s training bra. NOT.COOL.
-Wearing the worst underwear possible on my flight back home, provoking me to do a full-on, no-shame, digging-like-I’m-in-a-sandbox WEDGIE PICK. Yeah – at that point I didn’t even curr who saw me. I just wanted my bum to stop eating my undies.
-Everyone keeps having birthdays. Don’t get me wrong – the birthdays and the people are WOOTS. The constant eating out: Woof-de-WOOF WOOF.
Alicia says
Did I literally laugh out loud when I read your woof about your nose being as stuffed as a tweens training bra? Yeah that happened. Miss your bum!
Thrifted Shift says
Your fro yo with white chocolate pretzels looks amazing!
Gentri says
hahahhahhahaha! I miss you!