Husband’s work had a Gala at a beautiful winery over the weekend.
And I ate every last bite of that dessert. Duhhhh.
Dressing up to play with one of our dearest friends who came into town. Woot Woot!
Nude Pumps and Pencil Skirts: Both Woots as far as I’m concerned.
Cute clothes that are also cheap. What’s not to WOOT about there?
That time when I was in a real ornery-bear-cub type of mood and husband said ‘Why don’t you go get your nails done sweetie – my treat.’ And did my mood instantly perk right up? That’s for ME and ME ALONE to know! MmmmBut yes – yes it did. Mood fixed. Thanks husband!
And HIM – biggest freaking WOOT of my life. Obviiiiiiii.
(K but seriously guys – you don’t even know – I seriously married one of the most wonderful human beings this world has ever known. No. lie. If you were able to somehow know how perfect and adorable and tender this boy is – you’d be peeing your pants all the time too. Just like his nasty wife. )
That time when it took taking 573 pics to finally capture the jump in mid-air moment. And why did we feel that was even necessary again? I dunno, but you better be impressed, cuz we worked hard for it!
Saturday night movie watching. Yep – just me, my bag of kettle corn, and my slumbering husband. EVERY.TIME.
Stay tuned peeps! If all goes as planned, the authors of one of my all-time favorite fashion blogs will be Guest Posting tomorrow!
the golden girls says
lol i love your woots and woofs! you and your husband are too FREAKING CUTE! Ummmmm cutest couple of the year award goes to you two hands down! xx,
The Golden Girls
Melissa says
Ooo where were you shopping at? I love the striped sweater! And there is nothing wrong with getting cute clothes for cheap! :0)
heather says
i too would love to know where the stripe sweater is from??
So cute 🙂
Shannon Willardson says
Heather – the striped sweater is from H&M… on sale for $7!!! I bought one in green and navy blue stripes as well. Cuz hello – $7? For an ‘I can look cute in this even on a fat/bloated day’ sweater?! Done and done. And make it TWO please. 🙂
Hannah says
Love your pictures. Love cheap clothes. Love mani’s picking up a mood, and love sleeping boys. New follower 🙂 Hope you’ll stop by my way!
Shannon Willardson says
Thanks Hannah! Love new followers! Gonna go check out your blog girl. xoxo
AnneMarie says
what a great series! husband falling asleep during movie night is the story of my life!!! it’s nice to see i’m not alone 🙂
great blog. x
Shannon Willardson says
Nope! You’re not the only one Anne Marie. We can co-miserate, cuz i feel you girl 😉
Alyssa Edwards says
You are seriously adorable. All your posts crack me up!! It’s a breath of fresh air knowing that their are some genuinely sweet/stylish gals out there! Gorgeous!
Shannon Willardson says
Thanks Alyssa! right back atchya sista! xoxo
Michaela says
SO cute. Also a woot was seeing you yesterday!!
Sarah says
I need to let my husband in on that bad mood rule. I think that should be written in our vows somewhere.
Elsha says
Love the movies photo! That is me and my hubby every time except I am the one sleeping. I have a syndrome
Corbynn Jordan says
Shannon, I LOVE YOU! Is that weird? I find myself wishing we were best friends whenever I look at your posts. Thanks for sharing your woots and woofs!!
Shannon Willardson says
Not even weird Ms. Corbynn. Turns out the feeling is mutual. xoxo