Hi Urrybody! Hope you had a fabulous week! Um, can we talk about that time when I was super depressed to go back to work on Wednesday, only to discover that NO ONE else was back in the office yet? Turns out I’m the only idiot who works at LinkedIn and didn’t think to just take the rest of the week off! FAIL. Woof-TRIPLE-Woof. To make up for my stupidity, I am working from home today! Boo-yah.
Here are some oldies but goodie pics from the Apricot Lane Boutique Holiday event that I hosted with my girl Michaela! (p.s… if you haven’t checked out her amazing interior design blog yet, you’re living under a rock and need to change. Just kidding – that was harsh. But no seriously kind of)… Thanks to all who came! It was genuinely so very nice to see/meet all of you, and we had a BLAST! Thanks again Apricot Lane! And thanks to lovely Alyssa for these killer pics.
And how bout’ the alignment in today’s post, eh? Don’t worry – it’s just that my blog has schizophrenia, which is awwwwwwesome. But it’s being treated as we speak.
Cool: taking a pic with a couple of adorable bloggers
Not cool: hair and face looking like THAT ^ whilst standing next to beautiful, adorable bloggers (wtf?)
We’re Vain Vanessa Idiots. Big time.
Husband came to support! Love him long time.
Aaaaaaaand sometimes THIS happens.
We’re tarded.
And now… pull up your britches and get ready for The Weekly Woots & Woofs!
The Woots!
Nephews and Nieces that are that adorable.
Husbands that are phenomenal with children + miniature plumber’s cracks.
(Sorry – I couldn’t resist posting the little plumber’s crack. Just too darn funny.)
Wise men and Sisters.
Escaping with the fam to a giant cabin in mountain-town Idaho + non-stop dance parties. (and you better believe we did Gangham Style)
Doggies that can be cradled like babies + Husbands that start ellipticalling in Costco = Woot Woot!
A White Christmas and Husbands who get you Hunter boots. Not even mad.
Little Brothers and LOTS of sushi. 10 lb. food baby. So?
New life and Seasoned life. The most giant of Woots.
Spending New Year’s Eve in a Frumpy-Franny sweatshirt with the ones you love and genuinely feeling like there is nowhere else you’d rather be (and nothing else you’d rather wear)
And Him. Biggest WOOT of my entire life.
(Dream-boat Alert!)
The Woofs
Bruising the crap out of my knees and boo-tang whilst snowboarding (despite flashing my fierce face, as seen in above left pic) + THAT. THAT ^ face. That face right there. There aren’t even words. Wait… there’s one: WOOF.
REAL ugly white elephant gifts and two-year-old nephews who know more about how to operate the iPhone than I do. Ummmmm ???
Having to re-do baby brother’s dreads, which meant touching his sick, funk-nasty, grease-ball, peeling, disgusting hair and scalp + having to wear THAT much crap in order to go sledding. Woof.
And those faces right there: Woofey McWooferson.
And with that, I hope you have a Fried Chicken Friday,
And may your week be filled with way more Woots than Woofs!
Thanks for readink!
Corbynn says
I always get a kick out of your woots and woofs! And I love your pictures from the Apricot Lane thing. You girls are gorgeous!
Jessica U. says
It was so fun to meet you at the Apricot Lane party! You are so sweet and so dang beautiful!! We’ll have to get together sometime!
Michaela says
So fun to play dress up with youuuu! Love you to pieces. And your woofs are hilare…like always!
cecelia says
oh my pretty little ju-ju! so cool, looks like a fun event!
sahra says
this is always so great! I love how you accept and even highlight funky faces ! <3
XO Sahra