I just love these girls. Have a Thursday! (for the life of me I couldn’t think of any words that started with ‘th’)
Last Night = Late Night
That one time when THIS was all I could muster up for a post today, mostly because that there picture is a representation of what both husband and I were doing until obscene hours of the night last night (and by night I mean the twilight hours of the morning) – working. Yep. Who knew that REAL jobs follow you home and chase your sleep and your sanity… and somehow you don’t even hate it? YET, anyway. But is it cool that I have an all day meeting where I will be sitting, trying to listen in a warm room, all the while just praying that my typical narcoleptic-head-bobbing-mid-meeting-doze will somehow evade me… or at least not get my butt fired? Nope! And did I mention that I’m REAL good at complaining and feeling sorry for myself about my first-world problems? Yep! Sure am. Blame it on my self-mastery. Take…
WOOTS My cutie Aunt Val featured on the totally rad Swiss blog 40 Plus Style Our favorite couple to double with. (a.k.a. best In-laws ever) Photo shoot for cutie boutique Apricot Lane with one of my favorite bloggers/friends/interior designers: Miss Michaela. I got a job. Can we say triple-WOOT? Make that a quadruple-WOOT cuz job hunting suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. And yes – that is a fully stocked fridge with an impressive variety of bevees. And what you CAN’T see in this picture is all the treats and snacks to the left of it that are ALSO free game. Ummmm, can we say permanent love handles? Mmmyeah. And I work in the CITY. Like IN the city. Not even mad about it. Woot Woot! Family birthday parties that involve karaoke? Major wootage. $18 flats to put on when THOSE babies start to kill. Cuz let’s be serious – back up flats are a…
GIVEAWAY: Cents of Style!
The Lovely Rachelle with Cents of Style is giving away a $30 e-gift card to their darling shop! (which is where these sexy-as-death heels I’m wearing came from!) Cents of Style is all about affordable fashion accessories! Their mottos are: one, you do not have to spend a lot to look great and two, when you look good, you feel good. Ummm, hello? Do THOSE mottos sound up my alley, or what? Mmmmyep! Lucky for you, everyone is a winner this time because Rachelle is giving you a super awesome offer! A coupon code AND a free gift! Boo yah! Here are the details… Get 10% off your entire order and FREE SHIPPING when you use code “GBO10OFF” at checkout! AND… If you spend $20 or more, a pair of these adorable geometric dangle earrings will automatically be added to your package! Order must total $20 after all discounts/coupons are applied. (You do not have to add…
The Weekly Woots & Woofs!
WOOTS! Husband’s work had a Gala at a beautiful winery over the weekend. And I ate every last bite of that dessert. Duhhhh. Dressing up to play with one of our dearest friends who came into town. Woot Woot! Nude Pumps and Pencil Skirts: Both Woots as far as I’m concerned. Cute clothes that are also cheap. What’s not to WOOT about there? That time when I was in a real ornery-bear-cub type of mood and husband said ‘Why don’t you go get your nails done sweetie – my treat.’ And did my mood instantly perk right up? That’s for ME and ME ALONE to know! MmmmBut yes – yes it did. Mood fixed. Thanks husband! And HIM – biggest freaking WOOT of my life. Obviiiiiiii. (K but seriously guys – you don’t even know – I seriously married one of the most wonderful human beings this world has…