Those tender moments, when you come home to unexpected flowers from your husband for no apparent reason and THAT – Double Rainbow people! Triple WOOTage. DINNER DATE WITH THESE TWO CUTIE COUPLES! PEPLUM! (Target. Recently!) POLKA DOTS! (Target again. Recently!) PEACE. LOVE. OUTFIT. And HIM – Biggest WOOT of my entire life. Sorry the Woots & Woofs are so LAME this week guys. Turns out I got real real distracted by SYTYCD last night,and this was about all I was able to bust out. WOOF! Have a Wonderful Wednesday! And may your week be filled with way more WOOTS than WOOFS!
The Weekly Woots & Woofs!
WOOTS! Labor Day Weekend Adventures: Second row seats at the Oakland A’s vs. Boston Red Sox game! Woot Woot! And who do we have to thank for those fancy seats? THESE GUYS! Woot for fun double dates, especially when it means getting to sit by THAT little face the whole time! (was I ready to go get pregnant after seeing her? Mmmmyes-triple-yes.) Farmer’s Markets in San Francisco with… THESE GUYS! Our cutie cyber-turned-real-friends who we official adore. Did we get our hike on for the sole purpose of seeing this fancy rock maze? Mmmmyep! Was it worth it? Oh fo sho! Check that thang out! Woot for new cutie friends! Oh, and don’t worry – that’s just another adorable baby to make me wanna get knocked up. That’s all. Delicious lunch and delicious homemade ice cream in the city. Woot! Seeing all of these cuties – major Wootage. Thrift store finds!…
JUNIEblake GIVEAWAY! {Closed}
Turns out it still is people! Especially when it’s CLOTHES! ——————————————————————————————————————————————– And the WINNERS of the $30 Gift Cards ARE… Rachelle Hurd and Paige Flamm! Congrats ladies! Watch your emails for info on how you’ll be getting your goods! Thanks to ALL who entered! (Sorry if you haven’t won a Giveaway yet. If it makes you feel any better, I never win giveaways on other blogs! Boo! But so help me, I keep tryin’ cuz one of these days, I’m gonna win. And SO.ARE.YOU. Thanks for playing!) ———————————————————————————————————————— That’s right: the adorable online clothing store JUNIEblake will be giving away not one but TWO $30 gift cards this week on GBO Fashion. Can I get a Woot-Woot? Mint Blouse: c/o JUNIEblake Here’s how to enter: Like JUNIEblake on Facebook. Post on JUNIKEblake’s Facebook page that you entered the Giveaway on G.B.O. Fashion! SHARE this blog post on your Facebook page…
My Best Friend’s Wedding
The Happy Couple. The breath-taking wedding location. (Soldier Mountain resort in Fairfield, ID) Beautiful people. Homemade pies in place of wedding cake. The best of friends. A beaming bride. Dress hand-made by her mother. Are you dying? What talent! The lovely and sickeningly talented Momma of the Bride and her youngest child. Besties! Mr. and Mrs. Allen. My gorgeous sissies. My gorgeous BFF. Cutie Mother and Father of the Bride playing dress up. Cuz, why not? She got this idea from Pinterest. Is it not adorable? Hours of entertainment from this slab of wood with a couple of squares cut out. More dress up from cutie couples. He loves her. And us. And we all love him. Cutie little family. Not even mad about my sissies being invited to the wedding too! And my parents! (um, FAIL: no pics of parents from the wedding. My. Bad. I. Suck.) And they…
When BFF’s Get Married
Not cool: living far far away from both of them. Cool again: getting to go back to my hometown of Boise, Idaho to see one of them get MARRIED this weekend! Congratulations Whittles! Aren’t they gorge? Love them long time. This is us back in the 06′ days. Pulled these gems off of my old MYSPACE account. MYSPACE people! I still remembered my username and password! Is anyone else impressed?! Happy Weekend Urrybody! (Headed up to Sun Valley today with my mommy and daddy and two sisters, then goin to the wedding in Stanley, ID tomorrow! Get ready for some hyper-crazy-outta-control-you’d-think-we-were-drunk-but-none-of-us-have-ever-had-a-drop-of-alcohol-in-our-lives-pictures, cuz those will be happening! MOSTLY on Instagram probably. You can follow me on Instagram HERE. Woot Woot!)