Soooooo….remember THIS post? Yeah – so I write once a week for a FAB fitness blog called Mixers Nutrition (you should toats check it out), and to kick things off I decided to put myself on a 4-week challenge. The deadline was last Friday, which is when I took these AFTER shots. Here be the RESULTS! (ummm, & YES – they’re fairly minimal… but progress is progress eh?!) (but ummm, can I just be honest with you guys? This little challenge ended up being real real REAL… well… challenging – for a number of reasons. However, it was a great learning experience. Read more details about the results, the difficulties, and what I learned at Mixers Nutrition!) BEFORE AFTER Ok…why this is happening with my hair, I could not tell you. Woof triple Woof. Ok, why this is happening with my FACE, I could not tell you. Woof quadrups Woof. Aaaaaaaaand…
Men will be BOYS…
Who said there was an age limit for enjoying a good ol’ fashioned Easter Egg Hunt? Taylor was just a little bit excited about his Easter candy. Chasee’s Easter Tie. Tay Tay’s Easter tie. Two brothers who LOVE each other. Awwwwwwwww! Aaaaaand THIS is what we did when it was all over. WOOT WOOT!
Family in Town!
It’s probably a MAJOR understatement to say that my family is ‘tight’. Obsessed with each other might be a more accurate assessment? So it’s like ‘pee my pants’ exciting when even some of them come into town and we get to hang out. And that’s what happened this weekend. WOOT WOOT! Here are some pics of these beautiful individuals (boo for not having ALL of them here). I love these people.
You May Not Have Known… I will be posting once a week on an awesome fitness blog called Mixers Nutrition. I’m kicking off a little 4-week challenge over there today – just to give myself a kick-in-the-pants boost of motivation. Join in if you’d like! And YEP – you’re gonna see more of this action – some awkward ‘BEFORE’ pics. (where apparently i felt it was necessary to hold a newspaper to prove the date… except for you can’t see the date on the newspaper in these pics… and then i felt dumb.) DOES THIS FACE SCARE YOU? Ummm, yeah – me too. (and how bout them love handles, eh?)
As promised yesterday, here are some pics of the Husband. Turns out that even if this guy more closely resembled Quasimodo rather than a J.Crew model, I’d still be head-over-heels In-Love with him, because it just so happens that he is also one of the purest, kindest, most selfless individuals I know. But am I mad that he looks like a J.Crew model? Nope. But now you see why I have to at least TRY to not look beat & struggling when I’m on HIS arm… cuz’ nobody wants to be that girl. Lake Tahoe First Christmas. We had gotten hitched just 8 days prior to this pic being taken. Awwwww… Engagement Photo Get a load of this guy – Right? Unbelievable. Cutie. Children love him more than they love me, & secretly I’m sometimes a Jealous Jessica about that. However, it’s one of the dreamiest, cutest things in the…