Chasing Davies // The Mrs. & the Momma // Sandy a la Mode // TfDiaries // Jessica… Who?
Casey Leigh // Chioma’s Evolution of Style // Pop of Style // GBO Fashion // Pretty Polished Perfect
Camp Patton // The Other Side of Gray // Chic on the Cheap // The Serena Saga // Lemons, Avocados, and the Bay
A Beautiful Ruckus // the daily dani // Crowley Party // Wild & Precious // the Freckled Fox is kind enough to bring you this giveaway today for not just one lucky winner, but TEN! Five winners will receive a $50 Target e-gift card and the other 5 will receive a $50 Macy’s e-gift card ($500 value)…just in time for Mother’s Day! Make sure to check out for great Target and Macy’s offers!
So now we want to know: What’s the best advice your mom ever gave you?
For muah, there were two gems of advice from my mother dearest that particularly stand out: Gem #1) Live your life and pursue your dreams! I grew up hearing my mom tell me that I could do anything I put my mind to. And if it was something I really wanted to do, she’d find a way to help me make it happen. She was my personal cheerleading squad, fan club, and support system all rolled up into one.
Gem #2 is a bit harder to define, because it was more something she exemplified: my mom is a woman of faith, and there’s nothing I admire more about her than that. I can’t count how many times I walked into her bedroom only to catch her kneeling by the side of her bed in prayer, or sitting in a chair reading the Good Word. She was (and still is) a God-fearing woman and she taught me to be as well, and that has been the derivative for every good thing that has ever happened to me or ever will. It’s the thing that keeps me grounded and in tune with what really matters. And thank heavens for that, because this Vain Vanessa needs it!
In the spirit of mother’s day, we want to know what YOUR mom’s best advice was! Make sure to tell us in the comments below.
You can enter this giveaway through Rafflecopter now through Sunday, May 12th on any of the participating blogs.
Sarah says
I remember my mom always saying “Life’s tough, kid” whenever I whined about something I wanted but couldn’t have. Now I quote her to other people when they’re complaining about things. I know it sounds like she was mean, but it’s totally good advice!
~Sarah of Sarah’s Real Life
Sofia says
Great giveaway on your site. Thanks for sharing the others.
If you get a sec, check out my latest post.
Hope you’re having a great day.
Jessica English says
My mother always told me to do the extra credit, to go above and beyond. This may not be style related, but it means I constantly strive to be a better person, and I love being able to credit that drive to my mom 🙂
Lindsay says
I never buy full price anymore. My mom knows how to find great deals 😀
Kimberly Hampton says
My mom’s advice for finances was to pay yourself first and to never put anything on a credit card that you were not able to pay off when the bill came due!I have always followed this!
Missy says
So glad I found your blog through the giveaway we’re doing together! Love your style 🙂
Genevieve says
My mom always says “God bless a child who has their own.”
Katelyn says
Fantastic giveaway!!
My mom always taught me to be proud of myself no matter what and to not compare myself with those around me..because no one else has lived my life! This has definitely helped during big transitions in my life like high school, first year teaching and planning a wedding!
Ellen Casper says
Never pay full price.
JenB says
My mom worked at a credit card company for a couple of years. She taught me to pay off my bills in full every month. She also taught me that my grades were important and I worked hard to have good grades in elementary, middle and high school. Unfortunately I didn’t do the same in college and learned the hard way that she was right!
Jenn B says
My Mom taught me to love fashion- and never pay full price- unless it is something you will be extremely sad about if it sells out in your size!
Jessica B says
Such a sweet giveaway! My mom has always instilled in me to always support myself. And from that I have the work ethic that I do now and bust my butt day in and day out. I found something that I love to do and at the same time found that it not only supports my dreams but also supports my creative bug too! 🙂
Jo Kautt says
Best advice my Mom ever gave me— to put God first in every area of my life! And to seek Him and His kingdom!
Amanda says
My mom has taught me so many things that it’s hard to pick only one! To seek God’s wisdom with decisions is probably the best advice that I will always try to follow.
emily says
My mom told me high-waisted skirts weren’t a bad thing. I finally came around to the idea! Solid advice momma.
Sheila Cooper says
Coupon, coupon, coupon and match these up with sales. This saves me a ton every month.
Laura Kingery says
My mom always told me to trust in the Lord.. I always do!!
carmen says
Am excited to visit this new blog. My mom taught me to keep God in my life. There was never a day where she didn’t mention Jesus. We (seven of us) went to church every Sunday w/o fail. That made us feel good. She also taught me to be organized, clean, and manage money. She let us know what to pay first, second, etc., and what’s most important–family, and being happy. There are so many more things. She still, to this day, gives so much of herself. She has more energy than we do, as well as still cooks, cleans for the grandchildren. She is super woman, guess how old she is??? 88 years old, soon to be 89! She deserves so much.
Lexi says
“It’s better to just be good, than good at something.”