You guys – do you know about Serena & Lily? Are you offended that I’m even asking you that (of course we know about Serena & Lily Shannon)? There was a time when I was obsessed with interior design and I was on Serena & Lily’s site allllllll the time, lusting and coveting my face off. Well did you know that Serena & Lily also carries other stuff besides just home decor? Like cute totes, scarves, adorable swimsuit covers, super cool art, etc? Mmmmmyeah.
Given how rad this company is, I am ecstatic to share with you that next Wednesday, July 30th from 5-7pm, I will be an event correspondent for Serena & Lily’s big store opening in San Francisco! If you’re in the bay area, come see the new shop, eat some treats, drink some wine (or diet coke in my case), and of course SHOP. I’d love to meet your pretty faces too! Here are all the details:
Hope so, so, so much to see you there!
I love them!