Hi guys! A little late on the post for today, but honestly it’s been straight cray since little Baby J made his debut, sooooooo I’m over here giving myself a high-five for posting AT ALL. Mmmmmmright? Right! WOW – what an adjustment having a baby is! The best kind of adjustment in all the land, but certainly the most challenging as well. To be honest I’ve been longing to tell you all about it, just to get it off my chest and share it with someone! One of these days I’ll hopefully find the energy to do that. Keeping this boy fed and catching some Z’s in between is about all I’ve been able to wrap my head around lately. If I owe you a phone call or a text or an email or a thank you card or a birthday card or anything else in the world, please forgive me for my delinquency and thank you for your patience! My family has been in town for the last 3 weeks helping out, which has been an absolute God-send. We dropped my older sister off at the airport last night and you better believe that I bawled my eyes out all the way home, just like I did when we dropped off my other sister a week prior and my momma a week prior to that. Sigh… nothing will make you miss your family like starting one of your own, I’ve discovered. Today is Day 1 of the real deal – just me and baby Jack at home right now, figuring this all out together. God must have known what I needed, because he’s been a little angel baby all day today. He usually is – with the exception of a fussy spell at night and sometimes during the day for a minute, he’s honestly been a pretty easy little guy. Praise the Lord for that! Thankfully, I also have the most wonderful in-laws that live nearby and the most amazing friends in the whole world, so I don’t feel alone. And hopefully the ‘how the deuce do I do this?’ feeling will start to wear off soon and I’ll stop feeling completely clueless. That feeling DOES eventually wear off, right guys? Tell me I’m right. The good news in all of this: I have a baby, and I get to be a momma. Sigh – there are no words. Amid the feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion, I can honestly say that I’ve never been happier. Thanks for letting me ramble for a second.
In other news, we’re gearing up for warmer weather over here and showing some of our faves from Old Navy. Woot woot! Hues of blue are kind of what we’re loving right now. You guys – do you shop at Old Navy? I’m encouraging you to go check it out if you haven’t recently. Seriously though. Their prices are killer, they are always having some kind of sale, and their clothes have totally stepped it up in recent years in a major way. Right now, mens shorts are buy one get one half off, and they’re having a Spring Clean sale where everything is 25% off. Dooooooo it. Baby J is still a little too small for their 0-3 months attire, so we’re showcasing some of the ensembles he will be wearing once he fits! Ah, baby clothes – is there anything sweeter? Besides the babe himself? There is not, says I.
Rugby shirt (only $10!): Old Navy, c/o {buy here} | Shorts (in ‘Yes I Cayenne’): Old Navy, c/o {buy here} | Boat shoes: Vans via PacSun
All baby clothes can be found HERE.
Have a Mountain Range Monday!
Thanks so much for reading!
This post was sponsored by Old Navy. I sincerely thank you for your continuous support of this space and my sponsors. I’m truly so grateful! xoxo
Oh man, baby J is already going to be the cutest dressed little man ever, I can already tell!
I don’t think it ever wears off – the things you’re unsure of just change as they get older! 🙂 My kids are 6 & 12 and I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing half the time. A friend of mine has teenagers and says there’s still a lot guesswork, you’re just guessing about different issues. The baby part gets easier but then they grow and there’s something new to figure out. Bottom line, though, all the times you feel clueless as a parent are totally worth it and every age is rewarding in its own way. Cherish everyday with your little guy because it really does go by like the blink of an eye.
Those baby clothes are adorable!