You guys. I very recently discovered a menswear blogger that makes me feel like I hit the inspiration jackpot. Have you heard of I Am Galla? Have I been living under a rock maybs? Probs…
At any rate, I started more seriously perusing his style over the weekend and decided that today had to be a share-fest of some of my faves of his looks. For the record, I don’t know this dude personally (duh) and he doesn’t know me (duh), so this plug is 100% authentic. No ulterior motives here. Are you seeing this, Mr. I Am Galla? You can thank me later.
I have to admit that I’m not crazy about ALL of his ensembs. I tried to look for stuff that I could see my husband wearing, including things that he might only consider after some mild-to-aggressive persuasion from his wife (the jean jacket might fall into that category). Chase would want me to let you know that this does NOT include the murse (male purse), which Galla uses frequently (is that his name? I couldn’t figure out a darn thing about who this guy actually IS on his blog. I suppose I could google the wide open spaces of these here internets to find out more, but then that requires a bit more effort than this new momma is willing to output right now. Is that too honest? Am I rambling? Ending this parenthesis ramble riiiiiiiiiiiiight… now). Anywho, I’m hoping that someone besides me can garnish some inspiration from these outfits, and that you can possibly convince your husbands/lovers (or yourself if you’re of the manly gender) to rock some of these looks. They really are quite fabulous. Kudos, Adam Gallagher (I googled). You done good work. We like your style. We wish you’d add a bit more in your ‘About’ section. The end.
Hope you all had a great weekend (why does it always go by SO fast?) and a happy fathers day yesterday! Muah!
Source for all images: I Am Galla
Have a Martin Short Monday!
Thanks for reading.
I love some of his outfit choices!
Great outfits. Love his leather choices.
Oh my goodness! He’s awesome! If only the hubsters would wear some of these 🙂
He looks amazing & its so nice when a guy is interested in fashion! I’ve been trying to make over my Hubby for years! Lol! xx