All images via Pinterest. You can follow me on Pinterest here.
Just a quick round up of some more yummy summer style for the menfolk. Pretty soon this will have to be a FALL round up. Can you believe that? Where the H did the summer go? Wahhhhh!
As you’re reading this, I am most likely in a plane headed to Boise! Jack and I are spending the week there while husband works his face off. Got to pack in as much fun as possible before maternity leave ends… which is in like 5 minutes (sniff!). Teensy bit nervous to plane ride it up with the baby by myself. Wish me luck. Better yet, pray for me. Hope you have a fun week planned! xo
Have a Monopoly Monday!
Thanks for reading!
great mens outfits! mostly love the casual shoes…
I love these!
My goal in life: To get Derek to embrace boat shoes!