Ohhhhh Jack Spade, how I love thee. Your sister Kate is my girl crush and you hold the same name as my precious baby boy. What’s not to love? Below are some of my faves from Jack Spade’s presentation at NYFW last week. I love that there’s a sporty edge to all of it. Love the color scheme too. Wouldn’t be mad one bit if husband was decked out in Jack Spade all day urrry day. Now if only my pocket book was a wee bit fatter (womp womp).
Which of these looks is your favorite? Are you a fan?
Happy Monday!
Am I a big loser for not knowing that Jack Spade was a real thing until just now?
Um, what’s with the white sneakers in every photo? Maybe with the shorts, but the suits?? Especially the black one?!? Not into that.
I love these
Something new and nice to look at. Really nice presentation and nice show.