Yep – Menswear Thursday this week. That’s happening. Hope you all had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. You guys – will you indulge me while I overwhelm you with a butt-load of pics of my man and my babe? Cuz right now I can’t HELP MYSELF! I promise GBO isn’t going to become just a family/mommy blog (not that we don’t heart those). But hulloh? Are you seeing this behbeh? And this adorable Old Navy onesie? Tell me you can look at that without wanting to eat him. Right? Old Navy has sooooo many cute graphic onesies right now. We stocked up over the weekend, just in time for all the summer BBQ’s and pool partays! Husband is keeping it cool and casual in Old Navy shorts and a light, yummy button-up shirt, which is kind of his uniform as of late. Old Navy has great t-shirts as well. Oh and don’t worry that tees and shorts are ON SALE right now, so don’t miss it! And bring on SUMMAH!
Outfit Details:
Button-up shirt: Old Navy, c/o {buy here} | Shorts: Old Navy, c/o {buy here on sale!} | Shoes: Old Navy, c/o {buy here} |
Baby Jack’s Muscle Machine Onesie: Old Navy, c/o {similar}
Have a Thessalonians Thursday!
Thanks so much for reading! xoxo
This post was sponsored by Old Navy. I sincerely thank you for your continuous support of this space and my sponsors. I’m truly so grateful! xoxo
Sooooo darn cute! Gah I can’t get over how adorable he is, shouldn’t be surprised though since he’s got some good looking parents 🙂
I just want to nom his little thighs! (Baby Jack’s, not Chase’s, just to be clear)
what an adorable little nugget! love that onesie!
Just too cute!