You guys – I’m just gonna say this right up front: this is one of those tops that you need. Like you need to buy it. Ya know the feeling when you find a clothing article that is like, perfect? You like the way it fits everywhere – around the tummy, on the arms, etc. – it’s super comfortable, it’s flattering, it’s versatile, it’s cute and interesting, and you can wear it on days when you feel bloated or have a food baby (or in my case, the aftermath of having a real baby). And ya know how it quickly becomes one of your go-to’s because you can always count on it to get the job done? Yeah – you know what I’m talkin’ about. Well, welcome to this top. It fits that description exactly. I put it on and instantly knew it was going to become one of my…
$500 Giveaway!
What's New on Instagram

Sorry I’ve been so M.I.A. this week! I’m in Boise with my family and have been real real preoccupied. Sigh – there’s nothing like family time, amiright you guys?
Menswear Monday
All images via Pinterest. You can follow me on Pinterest here. Just a quick round up of some more yummy summer style for the menfolk. Pretty soon this will have to be a FALL round up. Can you believe that? Where the H did the summer go? Wahhhhh! As you’re reading this, I am most likely in a plane headed to Boise! Jack and I are spending the week there while husband works his face off. Got to pack in as much fun as possible before maternity leave ends… which is in like 5 minutes (sniff!). Teensy bit nervous to plane ride it up with the baby by myself. Wish me luck. Better yet, pray for me. Hope you have a fun week planned! xo Have a Monopoly Monday! Thanks for reading!
Bellefit Review & Giveaway!
You guys – wanna know what all ^ these ^ pics have in common? Ok I’ll tell you. I am wearing a Bellefit girdle in all of these pics. Uh huh. And now I’m ready to tell you my thoughts about it AND give you the chance to win a Bellefit Bundle (which is what I’ have been using… a $233 value!). Let the reviewing and giving away begin… The thing that initially turned me on to Bellefit… One of my best friends had a baby. Eight months later, we got together, and you guys – she looked amazing. Like uhhhhmazing. Like you wouldn’t have guessed that she had ever given birth. I was just moving into my second trimester of pregnancy at the time, so natch we talked about how to get the bod back post-pregnancy. She was the one that introduced me to Bellefit and sold me on…