You guys – it’s almost SUMMER! Bring on the BBQ’s, the picnics, the beach and the parties. Part of the fun in all that is pulling together killer summer looks to wear to all the shin-digs, amiright? Enter Old Navy and their adorable cropped pants, breezy tops, cute tees, and perfect sandals. They got it all folks…
Menswear Monday
Just a quick Menswear Monday post for you today. This here be Chase rocking the mardigan: male cardigan. Doesn’t he look like a dream? True, I might be ever so slightly biased because he’s the love of my life, but still. If you’re a dude and you’re gonna wear a cardigan, wear it a little bit like this. Mmmmk?
What's New on Instagram

Four Tips to Better Blog Photos
Hey you guys I’m Kirsten from K&R. You also may have been seeing some of my pictures around here cause I’m a photographer! You can see my work at knw photography. Shannon asked me to post something about photography, so I thought I would share 4 tips to better blog photos. These are tips you can use if you use your phone, DSLR, point and shoot – whatever you have, these are tips that you can apply.
A Whole Lotta Outfit Inspiration
Hello GBO readers. I’m so happy to be guest posting for the beautiful, funny and uber-sweet Shannon. This girl never fails to make me laugh. But that’s one of the reasons you love her too. I’m Lilly and I blog about my person style at Lilly Style. I’ve picked out some of my favorite outfits over the last few months. I’d love to hear which is your favorite! And be sure to stop by Lilly Style sometime and say hi!
Menswear Monday!
Happy Menswear Monday!