Ok guys – with the addition of a little one, it’s become absolutely necessary to stretch my wardrobe a little farther. Not only is it my goal to make way fewer purchases this year – it’s sort of the only option I got! So in that spirit, today I wanted to show two totally different ways to wear the same dress: dressed down and dressed up! The Challenge: find something in YOUR closet that you can try remixing in two completely different ways. Read on for a few more tips on how to pull that off!
Menswear Monday: Denim on Denim
Denim on denim has been a hot trend, so husband and I decided we ‘d give it a try in the world of menswear. Now the remaining question is… GBO?
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The Weekly Woots & Woofs…
^ Baby blue for baby boy ^… who is hopefully on his way into the world any minute now! Just a couple thoughts for you on this Friday…
$250 Nordstrom Gift Card Giveaway!
Happy Thursday friends! Quick update: Baby J is still in my belly. We’ve concluded that he is either taking after his mommy and just running late, or taking after his daddy and being stubborn. Haha – jokesssss about that second part. I just really felt like pretending that Chase was the stubborn one. Turns out he might be taking after his mommy on both accounts (never on time + stubborn = ME all the way. My husband is basically a perfect human. Which is a little bit obnoxious and annoying but always real real nice when you get to be the person married to him. K, end tangent.). Anyway, we’ll keep you informed! How about a GIVEAWAY! Happy Thursday indeed, eh? I’ve teamed up with some of my fave bloggers to bring you the chance to win $250 to Nordy’s. Woot woot! Click ‘Continue Reading’ to enter!
Style Crush!
I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve personally been missing me some Style Crush action. So I brought in The Happy Flammily to kick off a reinstatement of the series! Woot woot! Read on for style (and other) tips from a gal who is cute to boot AND knows a thing or two about fashion, food, photography, and parenting. Ay-oh! p.s. I’m guest posting over at Mindy Mae’s today, featuring another spin on the mixed print look and wearing one of their to-die-for statement necklaces. Ch ch ch ch check it out!