Well here I am still pregnant…
Menswear Monday + Old Navy
Happy first day of the week guys! I’ve got an exciting announcement today: Menswear Monday and Old Navy are teaming up! We’ll be running a ‘Daddy and Me‘ series featuring Old Navy menswear and Old Navy baby clothes. Woot! With the addition of my little man (any day now), we thought it only appropriate to get him in on the Menswear Monday fun.
What's New on Instagram

Saturday Giveaway!
Hey guys! Happy Saturday! I’m popping in real quick to let you know about a supes cool giveaway that the brand 4moms is running right now. If you’ve never checked out 4moms, you MUST. Be ready to pee your pants a little – their products are insane. Anyway, they’ve partnered with a couple other killer brands (um, hello? Aden and Anais anyone?), so I thought I better be a good human and let you all know about this! Spreading the love brings the love back to you, right? Am I right guys? Guys? Bueller? Bueller? Enter below for your chance to win! And enjoy your weekend! xoxo p.s. *Spoiler alert* … If you don’t win this particular giveaway, you may just have the opportunity to win right here on GBO in the near future. Keep your eyes peeled. a Rafflecopter giveaway Have a splish splash Saturday! Thanks for reading! xoxo
Spring into Fashion
You guys – it’s officially SPRING! Huzzah! Spring always gets me excited. It feels fresh, new, and like something good is about to happen. Naturally, one of the things I always look forward to most is spring fashion. I’ve teamed up with Zappos today to showcase a few trends I’m feeling particularly giddy about…
Mixed Prints
Happy Thursday friends! Let’s talk for a second about Mixed Prints. This trend has been hot for awhile now, and I’m here to tell you peeps: it ain’t goin’ anywhere.