You may have seen my first round of pregnancy faves here! Well, I’ve got more for you! As I’ve moved into the final stretch of this thang, there have been a few more essentials that I couldn’t have lived without…
Bump Nest Body Pillow. You guys – this thing has SAVED. MY. LIFE. I honestly cannot sleep without it. If you’re prego, it’s totally worth the investment. And no one does a pregnancy body pillow quite like Bump Nest. You can purchase here.
Nursing Bra. Yep – I’ve already started wearing one of these bad boys. Mostly because they’re actually real real comfortable. Got one of my favorites here.
Water. This one may seem like a duh, but seriously I think so many of us don’t drink enough of this stuff. Especially since being prego I’ve felt like it was even more important to stay hydrated. I carry a 1-liter water bottle with me literally everywhere we go.
Cute Hat. I can only speak for myself here, but the more hugely pregnant I’ve gotten, the less motivation I’ve felt to do anything with myself, let alone my hair. Having a couple cute hats around makes me feel like I can throw that thing on and still look somewhat presentable with minimal time and effort. WIN! Buy that cute chambray number here. I also wear a lot of this one.
Post-partum Girdle. K this one is for after the baby so I obvi can’t personally vouch for it yet, but I have friends who recently had babies and absolutely swear by them. One friend (who was back to her pre-baby size around 5 months after her baby was born) particularly swore by the Bellefit brand, so that’s probably what I’ll go with. Hey – anything that says it will help cinch me back together faster, I’m game for trying. Bellefit girdles are here.
Antacids. Anyone who has been pregnant will probably tell you they ate these things like candy during their pregnancy. At least that’s been the case for me. They are an absolute MUST. I tried the frutie-flavored Tums for awhile and simply couldn’t stomach them after about a week or two. I switched to these Walmart brand antacids in a mint flavor and love them. They help cool my burning throat and don’t make me feel like I’m about to gag when I eat them.
iPhone Wallet Case. Guys, I LOVE this thing. It’s an iPhone case that serves as a mini wallet as well. It has little slits in the side for your essentials – driver’s license, debit/credit cards and some cash. Perfect for when you want to quickly run in somewhere and don’t need to bring your purse. And when you’re already lugging around an extra 50 pounds or so with your baby bump, being able to ditch the 20 pound handbag is actually really nice. Buy this cute J.Crew version here.
Maxi Dresses. I didn’t wear a ton of these at the beginning of my pregnancy and am now starting to wonder why. They are so comfy and so flattering, especially if you’re like me and blow up in more places than just your belly when you’re pregs (lucky me!). I have loved this inexpensive, super comfy Old Navy number. Get it here.
Baby Wise (on Audible). So many people I know have sworn by this book, I figured I HAD to give it a read before baby came. But with so much to do to prepare for my little man’s arrival, I knew I wasn’t likely to sit down and actually read it. So I’m listening to it on Audible instead. That way I can be doing other things and listening at the same time. Hooray for multi-tasking!
Happiest Baby on the Block (on DVD). This is another one that came highly, highly recommended. I got about half-way through reading the book when my father-in-law came home with the DVD for us. He said that a co-worker of his who just had a baby insisted that watching the DVD was essential. It actually SHOWS you how to do all of the things they’re suggesting. Plus again, it took way less time than reading through the entire book. I’ll probably be reviewing this thing again before baby comes. It was awesome. Praying now that the tactics actually work!
Flats. Yeah, I had dreams of being that prego lady who still wore 4-inch heels in her third trimester and just never let it slow her down. Pretty sure I ditched that hope by the end of my first. When your body is changing this much, comfort is everything. I’ve been living in Old Navy flats. They’re comfy, cute, and inexpensive. You can buy this adorable red pair (which I wore yesterday as a matter of fact!) here.
And there you have it! Am I missing anything? What were YOUR pregnancy favorites? Let us know and wish me luck in these final weeks! I’m praying baby just keeps on cooking in there until his due date but trying to be prepared for whatever. Ahhhhhhhhh!
Have a Fun Friday!
And a happy weekend.
Thanks for reading!
Yes, happiest baby on the block saved our sanity! So glad you watched it!
I saw that picture of you wearing those flats yesterday and was dying to know where you got them! They are so cute!
I love those shoes.
Happiest Baby on the Block works! It seriously saved my life the first few weeks. We now buy the dvd and swaddles for everyone we know with a newborn.
P.S. There is an iPhone app that just says “shhhhhhh” over and over again.
This is exciting!
It’s great that you’re reading the baby books now, though I totally forgot about them once I had my baby! Keep notes handy. Babywise is a good one, but what I didn’t realize is that you can form bad habits early on, so establishing them from the get-go is important! (Not that I’m an expert at all, but that’s why I think we’ve had sleep issues.) Anyway, great round-up! I agree on the flats and maxi dresses, of course. I also love that wallet case! I need one of those when I don’t feel like lugging my huge diaper bag around!
I went my entire first pregnancy without a body pillow, and now I’m dying without one at just 18 weeks! I think I’m definitely going to have to cave and splurge on one!