Labor Day Weekend Adventures:
Second row seats at the Oakland A’s vs. Boston Red Sox game! Woot Woot!
And who do we have to thank for those fancy seats?
THESE GUYS! Woot for fun double dates, especially when it means getting to sit by THAT little face the whole time! (was I ready to go get pregnant after seeing her?
Farmer’s Markets in San Francisco with…
THESE GUYS! Our cutie cyber-turned-real-friends who we official adore.
Did we get our hike on for the sole purpose of seeing this fancy rock maze? Mmmmyep! Was it worth it? Oh fo sho! Check that thang out!
Woot for new cutie friends! Oh, and don’t worry – that’s just another adorable baby to make me wanna get knocked up. That’s all.
Delicious lunch and delicious homemade ice cream in the city. Woot!
Seeing all of these cuties – major Wootage.
Thrift store finds! Oh don’t worry – those heels on the left there? They’re Jimmy Choo. If you’re sitting there thinking ‘Yeah, who cares?’ the answer is: ME. I care. Why? Because I’m shallow and worldly. Also because I would never actually purchase Jimmy Choos, mostly because I’m broke, but also because I’m not sure I could bring myself to spend that much on a pair of really uncomfortable heels. Ok really I’m just real real proud that I found JC’s at a THRIFT STORE for $32.50. So sue me.
And last but definitely not least: HIM.
The biggest WOOT of my life.
Baby brother in law moving away to college this week (sniff*) and Sissy flying to PARIS tomorrow for a 3-month long study abroad! WOOF-triple-WOOF! I mean, but have fun you two. Congrats and all. Whatever.
Eating waaaaaaaaaaaay too much of THISSSSSSSSSSS…
And THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. And a whole bunch of other crap food. Why do I love it so much people? Why? Oh, yeah – it’s because it’s FREAKING DELICIOUS! That’s why.
That time when it took me 2 hours to get to work this morning when it normally takes me 20 minutes, MAX. Oh, and that other time when I sat in the social security office for 2 hours to have a 5 minute conversation with a dude so that I could legally change my stinking name after being married for almost 2 years. Yep. Awesome. And by awesome I mean WOOF.
Random unattractive pics of me with my never-unattractive husband. Is that slightly annoying sometimes a little? That he never looks woof and is overall way hotter than me? Mmmmyes. Yep it is. Until I remember that I somehow fooled him into marrying me, and then I’m not really mad any more. Not really.
Haha, oh my god. I love this post. Keep them coming!
Looks like you had a super fun weekend! 🙂 xo.
HA HA HA! I love these Woots and Woofs! Shannon, you are too funny my dear!
You are hilar-bear! Where iz that rock maze??
Anna, the rock maze is at Lands End park in SF. The park was GORGE. 🙂
you’re hilarious…i love these ‘woots and woofs’ posts.. too funny!
You are so funny! I love these posts. So did you buy the JC’s? Wish I could find stuff like that here in UT..not a chance!
Amy, I totally bought the JC’s. Watch for them on an outfit post some time soon here (before it gets too cold and I can’t wear them!). And come visit SF and we’ll go thrifting HERE! 😉
haha i the weekly woots and woofs! glad im not the only one snacking on bad things lately too..lol! stuck inside for hurricane issac = lots of online shopping and one too many bowls of ice cream lol! love ur blog and p.s. im totally coming out to go thrifting with u!
that should totally say love the weekly woots and woofs..oops lol!
Just discovering your blog and I love it! Very funny and cute. Just started blogging myself and would LOVE for you to check it out!
xo Dina
Dina, you better believe I just followed your cutie blog and am now an official ‘FOLLOWER’! Thanks for stopping by! Your blog is adorable!
You are my favorite blog to read!!
Thanks Wesley!
Yep. I accidentally watch married to Jonas too. And every Kardashian show alive. Accidentally. It just happens
Favorite post of the week 🙂
I love your woots and woofs. I love a good laugh at the end of my work day. Keep them coming!