Soooo, you guys? Remember how I’ll be 36 weeks prego tomorrow? One. Month. To. Go. I’m definitely feeling all the feels about it. The most overwhelming emotion I’ve been having (besides general terror about how the transition will go from having to keep not only one but two little humans alive and happy) is that of… sentimentality? Nostalgia? Blubbering emotionalness? Are those the right words? Basically this intense feeling of needing to soak up every little moment I have left of it being just me and Jack. That is what I’ve feeling like whoa lately. Soon it won’t be just me and him any more, and while obviously we’re elated to welcome baby girl into the world, I want to make the most of the days and weeks I have left with just me and my little boyfriend.
Presidents Day Sales Roundup!
Happy President’s Day peeps! I hope not a single one of you has to work today – shout out for 3-day weekends! President’s Day generally tends to have killer sales, so I rounded up a bunch of the best ones for you cuz I’m super rad like that (haha). Husband and I just bought a house (ummmm, did I tell you that? Cray right? I’ll share more about that later), aaaaaaand we’re about to have a new lil’ behbeh. SO, we’ve had our eye on stuff like appliances, furniture, and baby gear. I’ve listed those sales first, and further down are all the fashion sales. Woot! Anywhooooo, I’ve rounded up all of it for you! Happy shopping!
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Instagram Roundup!
Ok all my haters! This one’s for you! I got another Insta round up for you. Click on the links below to shop the items, and if you’re not following me on Instagram yet, by golly doooooo it! (if… you… want… to… that is.)
3 Ways to Take Your Momiform from Drab to Fab
Ok guys- I looked up Momiform on, and here’s what I found…
Momiform (n): an outfit worn by a 30 something mom that has lost all sense of style.
Ummmm, are you dying? How hilarious is that? K, so here’s our new mission: transforming our momiforms so that they don’t resemble someone who has lost all sense of style, and instead makes us look like sexy beasts who got it goin’ on!
So with no further adieu, here are three easy ways to take your momiform from fugly and drab to chic and fab…
Shop Shannon’s Look
Me Likeeee Monday – Valentine’s Day Edition
Yep – a day behind on this again. Welcome to the usual. I. Am. Awwwwwesome. I wanted to pull together a little Valentine’s Day inspired roundup for anyone whose got a hot date this weekend and still not a clue of what to wear. I pulled the dresses (non-maternity on the left, maternity on the right) for those of you who are going somewhere nice and need something fancy shmancy, and the tops are for those of us who are wanting to look extra cute but are still probably sticking to jeans on bottom (hand raised). Oh, and the heels – be sure to check out the heels. They’re all under $100 and so darn adorable and can be worn long past Valentine’s Day. Hashtag worth it, hashtag good decisions – amiright? If you order any of this stuff in the next day or two, you should still be able to get it by the weekend for love day. Click on the icons in the image above or the images below to shop the roundup (be sure to disable any pop-up blockers first)!