Photo cred: KNW Photography
Ah, the new year. A time of new beginnings,. Truth be told, I’m not really one for resolutions. I used to be, and then I said ‘da heck wit diss!’ when I realized that setting resolutions mostly made me feel like a fatty fat francis failure approximately 5 minutes after setting them. Besides – where’s the logic in resolving once a year to make a bunch of changes or improvements? Nah – not my style. For me, the logic seems to lie in setting goals year round, attempting to stay motivated year round, and recommitting as often as needed. And ya know what my favorite part is? That recommitment part. I love knowing that as often as needed, we can recommit ourselves – to whatever – to striving to reach our goals, to being a certain kind of person, to doing things we said we wanted to do and to not doing things we said we didn’t want to do. “Failures” (if they must be called such) will surely come, but the chance to recommit and reboot and get re-motivated is always waiting right there, whenever we need it. And we don’t have to wait for a new year or a new week or even a new day to do it. Not even a new hour! It can be right then – in the moment. And I love that. As soon as that clicked for me, things changed. Suddenly, most of my goals felt far more attainable.
One thing I will say though – I do love the inherent energy that always seems to accompany the new year. It’s the energy that attaches itself to new beginnings, and it seems to naturally lend to self-reflection and analysis. How am I doing? What am I doing well? What could I be doing better? How do I want to proceed, and what’s my purpose? Are my actions and my use of time consistent with who I really want to be? I love re-reading this book (seriously a must-read) and listening to this talk periodically throughout the year. Gems I tell you. This one was a game changer for me as well. And of course, nothing compares to the time I spend with these on a daily basis.
I probably should be writing about what an amazing year 2014 was (and it was), or about how grateful I am for everything that happened (and I am, beyond what I can even begin to express), or posting a compilation of my favorite outfits from the year (snooze). But all I really wanted to do was keep it real with you guys and think out loud for a second, as if we were old friends sitting in the living room together, venting our faces off and talking about our feels. Hope you’re not mad about that?
For the record, I have set some goals. Not fancy ones, not real big ones – just doable ones, I hope. And GBO is a part of that. I hope you’ll see some real good things on the blog this year – some of them changes, some of them the same old-same old. To that point, the opinions I really care about as it relates to the blog are YOURS. Yours, yours, yours and yours! So if it’s alright with you, some time this week I may be conducting a little survey/poll thingy to get your opinions on stuff. I’d really, really, really love to hear from you. Pleeeeeeeease? It would mean so much!
Finally, for anyone still reading (crickets), here’s the most important thing: THANK YOU! Thank you for stopping by here and for following along. I’m less than a drop of water in an ocean of blogs and vlogs and frogs (k, not frogs), and so the fact that you choose to come here, even if it’s only sporadically, means oh so much. Ok guys? Do you know? I hope you know. I am so thankful for all of you.
Now enough with the cheese and sap and uncharacteristically high volume of text (woof. sorry) – let’s get our giveaway on! If you’re a GBO follower, you KNOW that I love me some Stella and Dot, and what better way to ring in the New Year than with new jewelry, no? One very special Stella and Dot consultant, Ms. Naomi (the best) and I have teamed up to giveaway a classic, no-fail bracelet that you must have in your repertoire: the Renegade Cluster! Enter below and on Instagram. Giveaway ends one week from today. US only. Good luck!
Oh, and I have to ask: what are YOUR goal setting strategies? Do you set New Year’s resolutions? Is there anything you’ve found that really helps in actually achieving the goals you set? Fill us in!
I love Stella and Dot:)
Shall We Sasa
I just did a post on my New Year’s Resolutions! Even though they are personal, I think putting them out for the public holds me accountable! We will have to help each other this year!
x. Sabrina // Simply Sabrina
I would style it with my MK watch. 🙂
Great take on resolutions, I completely agree. We should write our goals down often as they and reflect on them all the time! That keeps the intention in place and helps us see how far we’ve come 🙂 Here’s to a healthy, happy New Year!
Latest Post: The World’s Most Accurate Fitness Tracker – My Week of Shocking Results!
I’d love to win!
Loved reading this. Honestly I enjoyed reading other peoples resolutions and getting sometimes motivated to do my own. But I still haven´t. I have written a page in my filofax which I carry everywhere ´2015 Goals´ and I will write them as I go throughout the year, and think on them for a while and being realistic about them. I also want to really work on my blog which I just started up a few months ago, I want to make it my hobby since I´m at University studying Veterinary Medicine, it´s a great way to keep balance. I´m new to your blog but I love it and can´t wait to see what´s next 🙂
Thanks so much Lindsay! Hope you’ll keep stopping by! And good luck with your blog. That’s exactly the reason I have mine. We gotta get our creative juices out somewhere, somehow, right? 🙂
Good thoughts Shannon, good thoughts! Thanks,for sharing! And for the record, I miss your face off!!! And of course little Jack and Chase. 🙂
I flowed the link to post on her fan page how I’d style it but didn’t see where that was.
First, I love that you love ‘As a Man Thinketh’. Amen to that. If you have a chance, you should read anything by Terryl Givens, if you haven’t already. Changed my life almost as much as ‘Infintite Afonement’ by Tad Callister.
Second, here is my new year resolution: to put the grocery cart back in the cart corral after I’ve loaded the groceries in the car. I like to be reasonable in my resolutions.
Third, the post picture is so adorable.
I make goals and assess them each month. I’m not sure I’d ever remember if I weren’t checking each month. I also have a reminder on my phone once a month for the mid-month reminder. I don’t set anything crazy but I like to have something to strive for.