Yeah, it’s pretty crazy guys: so Olivia and I were all scheduled to meet up for lunch so I could interview her to be this week’s GBO Fashion Style Crush (an of offer that she of course accepted.), and then things just got soooo busy for me, and unfortunately, I had to cancel on her. I know I know – kind of rude of me, but hey, Olivia understands how busy I am. Therefore, she let me pull random pics of her of these here internets and still feature her as this week’s
(thanks for cooperating Olivia. We’ll catch up later. xoxo)
{Outfit on the left here is one of my absolute faves. Simple/chic perfection.}
{Would you get a load of those leopard oxfords? Yummy. Or did I buy a very similar pair from the thrift store for $8 after being inspired by this exact pic? Mmmyeah. Sorry that I bragged just then bout’ that.}
Reasons why we LOVE Olivia Palermo’s Style:
a) she makes us think outside the box. O.P is not afraid to take risks & she always does so flawlessly. While my outfits may not come out looking as fancy or creative as hers do (er, not even close), they DO give me great ideas of how to pair my clothes together in ways I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.
b) She looks classy. Sure, some of her skirts still fall into the ‘i can almost see your va-jay-jay’ category, but generally speaking i think she does a dece job of keeping her T&A covered (if you don’t know T&A means, that’s TaTa’s & Arse in my language.)
c) She rocks LOTS of different looks & styles. I’ve always hated that sometimes people want to pigeon-hole you into a certain ‘style’… like ‘her style is this, or this’. Sometimes you love it all & wanna try it all! And O.P. does just that. She can rock the most basic & simple ensembles like a pro, and then whip out some creative-as-death, fancy-shmancy, over the top ensemb later that evening. Versatility = we likeeee.
*Ok, just so we can all make ourselves feel better after looking at how hot she is, it also doesn’t hurt that she’s a filthy rich, silver spoon fed, drop dead GORGE/the size of my pinky finger New York City socialite either. Turns out those things help with the whole dressing really well/looking hot 100% of the time thing. Go figs.
{Color Blocking!}
{Simple but oh so chic. And check out the mixed prints in left pic.}
{Rocking the all-black trend (that she probs invented. this gal is a trend setter.)}
{More all black.}

Lessons Learned:
The trick here peeps is to draw things from her outfits, not to necessarily copy them exactly. Example: when I see a pic like the mixed print example (5th pic down on the left), I think to myself ‘Oooh! I can do stripes and leopard. Brilliant combo!’. Or a perfect example is those thrifted leopard oxfords I got: I might not have thought to buy those had I not seen the 3rd pic down on the right prior to finding them, cuz I wouldnt have been sure how to rock them. But I sho do now! Make sense? Don’t feel like you need the exact piece in order to draw from other’s people’s fantastic style. Look at how they pair things – the colors they pair together, the patterns, the silhouettes & how they’re using them, then let it influence your own style like a shameless shamoo (yes i’m referring to shamoo the whale cuz that’s what came to mind. sorr.). Sure you’ll be using different items, but it will still usually look pretty dece because the general concept works. Ya feel me?
Wanting some more of Olivia? GO HERE & HERE (also HERE, but with this one I have to warn you: very naughty word right there in the title, so scroll down quickly! Why people do that in the first place is beyond me.)
Thanks Olivia for letting me Crush on You!
(Note: I do not own any of these pics. All images taken from either Pinterest or one of the sites listed above.)
Everything that Olivia Palermo is perfect. I love her. I love how classy she makes every look. Great post.
Laughing out loud at your “keeping her T&A covered”, LOVE IT! and I have to crush on the fact that she is a styling and beautiful, short-haired brunette…. you just don’t see so many people in Hollywood like that now-a-days. Great fashion advice too from you Shanay…. great work mama!
Thanks Britt. You’re nice to me :). Love you lady.