Photo compliments of KNW Photography
Happy Thanksgiving friends! To be perfectly honest, I’ve always struggled to find words that adequately express gratitude – particularly for those things I feel most grateful for. I had no idea how hard it would become once I had a family of my own. How do you say how grateful you are for a ‘literally the man of my dreams’ husband? Or how you feel about the opportunity to be a mama? I can’t do it. I can’t find the words. So I’ll just say this: I. Am. Thankful. So so thankful. So so so so so so so thankful. So thankful.
Can’t fail to mention the thing I am most thankful for: my Savior and my Heavenly Father. It’s my faith in them that defines who I am, who I want to be, where I’ve been and where I pray I’m always going. Don’t be mad that I’m saying that, ok? It’s just the truth. I’m a Jesus Lover, and I want everyone to know it. (#insertsmileyfaceemojicon)
Finally, I’d be remiss to not express my gratitude and say thank you to all of YOU! Let’s not kid ourselves – this here blog is such a wee, tiny, insignificant blip in the grand blogosphere and the never endingly vast internets. And chances are that’s all it’s ever gonna be. But all of that just makes me even more thankful that out of everywhere you could be, you choose to spend some time here. Thank you.
Hope you have the most wonderful holiday with those you care for most!
Happy Thanksgiving
Well said! I am thankful for you, wonderful, talented, amazing you and that precious baby and his Daddy.
Great little post.