Ok lady friends – Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Whatchya gettin’ for that man friend of yours? Here are some ideas! Shameless plug: that sexy as death leather satchel in the pic above is from the company of a friend of mine, Kodiak Leather (check it out!). We got it in the mail this week, and you guys – it is even more beautiful in person than it is in pics. It’s also the perfect size (as per my husband). It’s also on sale for $99 (originally $150). My husband has a couple other leather satchel work bags, and $99 (or even $150) is honestly is a craaaaay price for a genuine leather bag (the others Chase has retailed for over $400. Yikes). And in my humble opinion, every grown man needs a sexy, high quality work bag. If your man doesn’t have one yet, it’s time. Get him one! Get him this one! (or this one or this one, all on sale). Ok I’ll shut it now.
Three Reasons to Try Faux Leather Leggings
Happy Tuesday! So let’s get right down to it: I want to talk about faux leather leggings. Are you mad? K good. First of all, let’s just address the fact really quickly that they make maternity versions of these bad boys. Mmmmmyeah. They sure do. Try not to pee your pants. I bought this pair several months ago and I’ve worn them a shocking amount during this pregnancy. And it got me thinking… I feel like faux leather leggings are one of those trends that slays when done right, but that can perhaps be a bit scary for some. Amiright? So I thought I would dedicate today’s post to it. So with no further adieu, here are the top three reasons to wear faux leather leggings:
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Instagram Roundup!
Happy Fri-yay peeps! For anyone who is not a fan of Like to Know It, this post is for you! I’ve rounded up my latest Instagram pics and linked to everything I’m wearing.
Me Likeeee Monday (on a Tuesday!)
Ok – so I definitely realize it’s Tuesday, not Monday. But when you’re on maternity leave, all the days are basically the same anyway (yahoooooo!). Here’s a roundup of what I’ve been likeeeee liking this week! A couple notes about this stuff…
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How to Nail Low-Key Style
Ok let’s be serious you guys: We all want to look good, but we’re also all Busy Bettys with a lot more to worry about and tend to than just those things related to our appearance. I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not an unusual phenomenon for me to wake up and feel like getting dressed in anything besides pajamas is going to be a feat for the day, let alone pulling something together that looks adorable. Leggings and Ugg boots, anyone? Husband’s T-shirt anyone? Yeah, I think we’ve all been there. That being said, it’s undeniable that I notice a big difference in how I feel when I put in a little more effort. So what’s the trick? I think it’s all about learning how to pull off low-key style. In other words, looking like you tried without actually having put in too much effort or time. I’m definitely still navigating these waters myself, but I’ve teamed up with Target to share some ideas, tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way for how to do low maintenance while still looking chic!