That time when I made a cyber friend who has an adorable blog, dresses real real well, and mostly is one of the cutiest peeps I know (but have yet to meet – lame!). YEP! That’s what happened when I met Ms. Katie of the fab blog ‘Keep Calm and Carry On‘. And the level of her adorableness is what provoked me to invite her to be this week’s
Style Crush!
Katie has agreed to share some of her fancy-pants tips and tactics as it relates to dressing like an adorable fashionista. Take it away Katie!

How would you describe your style?
I would say classic with a mix of trendy and comfy. It’s always changing!
Who are your fashion icons?
My Top 3: Olivia Palermo, Lauren Conrad, and Kate Middleton. If I could get a portion of each of their closets, I would be one happy woman.
Where do you for fashion inspiration?
The majority of my inspiration I find online through blogs and Pinterest! Pinterest is a great way to save looks that you love and find items in your own closet to create them. It never gets old and is perfect for those “I can’t figure out what to wear!” moments!
Where are the top places you shop?
H&M, Forever 21, and Tobi (online)
What’s your go-to outfit when you need to look adorbs in a flash?
9 times out 10 this outfit will include a blazer. Right now, I’d say riding boots, skinny jeans, a blouse, and a blazer. Another favorite is a striped tshirt with boyfriend jeans. I go crazy for stripes.
What do you seek to achieve when you get dressed?
I like the effortless look. It may have taken me 1.5 hours to get ready and pick out which colored blouse I will wear (indecisive is my middle name), but I want it to look like it didn’t take much effort at all.
Would you say you have a signature style?
Not really. I love to wear a bunch of layers right now though!
How do you think others can achieve a truly individual/unique style?
Do whatever makes you feel like a rockstar! Don’t be afraid to try new things, but wear what you feel most comfortable in.
Do whatever makes you feel like a rockstar! Don’t be afraid to try new things, but wear what you feel most comfortable in.
How would you say your style has changed over the last 5 years?
I’ve branched out a lot more by trying things on in stores that I normally wouldn’t have, and I’ve come to LOVE/adore mixing patterns. All in moderation of course!
I’ve branched out a lot more by trying things on in stores that I normally wouldn’t have, and I’ve come to LOVE/adore mixing patterns. All in moderation of course!
Why is the way you look/dress important to you?
Because you never know when I’ll run into Ryan Reynolds (what? he’s married? say it isn’t so). Kidding. I totally meant my husband.
Because you never know when I’ll run into Ryan Reynolds (what? he’s married? say it isn’t so). Kidding. I totally meant my husband.
Do you follow trends? If so, what trends excite you at the moment?
I do! Right now I’m loving my leopard/studded loafers, leather pencil skirts, and also peter pan collar necklaces.
What are some challenges you feel like you face in dressing the way you *want* to dress?
Is not winning the lottery to be able to shop as much as I want considered a challenge? Then yes, that’s my challenge.
Is not winning the lottery to be able to shop as much as I want considered a challenge? Then yes, that’s my challenge.
What fashion or styling tips would you give to women who want to improve their sense of style?
I’m definitely not a pro here, but I would recommend finding great classic pieces {a great pair of jeans, handbag, and shoes} that serves as a base in your closet, and then branch out and find items that go with them. Only buy a few trendy pieces for each season, and buy them at budget friendly stores like Old Navy or Target to decide if you like them or not before you invest in more!
Anything further you’d like to add? …
Besides being SO thankful to be on GBO today, I have to say I’m still a little bitter Shannon and I couldn’t get our schedules matched up to meet up when my husband and I were in San Francisco last month. Shannon ALWAYS has me laughing (woof, woot..WHAT?) and I feel like we would be besties, for sure. Next time, Shan! I feel like our fashion styles are very similar. Thank you so much for having me pretty lady.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand sometimes THIS happens:
Isn’t she adorbs? Right up my alley, that one. Don’t forget to check out her cutie blog ‘Keep Calm and Carry On‘ for more delightfulness!
Thank you Katie for letting me Crush on you!
p.s. ATTENTION PEEPS: G.B.O. Fashion is looking for an INTERN. The right candidate will be a lover of fashion & interested in learning the ins & outs of building/managing a blog. Great opportunity for someone who either already has a blog or has thought about starting one. Plus, you’ll get to work with ME – and, well, I’m a big ball of fun people. Ok? Please contact me for more details! Let’s do this thang!
Have a Frijoles Friday!

Thank you Shan for having me! I’ve loved you and your woots and woofs since day 1! 🙂 xoxo
I am new to your blog! WHAT a fun series!!! 🙂
Thanks Megan! And thanks for stopping by! xoxo